Shmoocon 2017 - A Great Time to Learn and See the Aplura Family

1 minute read

If I could describe Shmoocon 2017 in one sentence, it would be the following: a great time to learn and see the Aplura family.

The 3 day hacker conference had so many great talks within the 3 learning tracks, Build It!, Belay It!, Bring it On!. I attended talks in all 3 learning tracks, but Build It! was my favorite track this year. My favorite talk was A Context-Aware Kernel IPC Firewall for Android (by Sergey Bratus and David Wu).  Since I have a background in enterprise networking and security engineering with firewalls, the title grabbed my interest.  My attendance to this talk was rewarded with knowledge on how to configure more granular permission-based security than what is provided in stock Android software.

The best part of the conference by far is interacting with the attendees. Talking with the attendees and exchanging ideas and experiences are invaluable. Shmoocon is a hacker conference, but the people is what make it so awesome. Even more, the majority of the Aplura family attended conference. We are not always together because of traveling for work, so it is great when we are together (sniff sniff).

I learned a lot while there and I look forward to the next Shmoocon.
