What I learned at my family reunion, I mean .Conf…

less than 1 minute read

The annual Splunk user conference is always fun, but they are all different. I’ve been three times and had three totally different experiences. One thing that I’ve learned is that I work with some ridiculously smart people, but this was more of a confirmation than a revelation. I’ve learned that it is much easier to keep track of your colleagues when they are wearing neon colored t-shirts and Florida smells much better than Las Vegas. I’ve learned I’d rather give my money to Disney than to the casinos. I’ve learned you don’t necessarily need to be technically savvy in order find value in the talks. I’ve also learned that this conference always sparks new ideas and a renewed drive to push the boundaries of our Splunk deployment. But the most important thing I’ve learned, is that my colleagues aren’t just my colleagues, they are my friends…

No, scratch that, they’re family.
